The 2 of Wands Tarot

July 19, 2022

Should I stay or should I go, ask the swallows, a bird that every winter migrates to warmer climes and is a question that you have been asking yourself too. 
The two of wands shows you that you have a decision to make between two roads. Do you continue along this path, or do you fly high to see if the grass is indeed greener elsewhere. 
Like the swallows, you've been feeling restless and detached from your current space. something in you is telling you that it's time to move on. It needn't be forever either, maybe it's just for a season, but your eyes need to see new sights and your heart needs excitement.
Swallows don't travel alone, they need their mate and their flock, thus they may asking you to think about who you should take with or maybe even to expect a new partnership. Travel is (almost) always more fun with friends, but it can be tricky to balance everyone's needs and expectations. This calls for mutual gentleness, co-operation and careful planning. Sometimes, regardless of all the organisation, 
 you may choose to travel separately for a turn, you know that when you get back to the nest, you can share your adventures with your flock and hear about theirs before your next great migration.