3 of Pentacles

June 11, 2022

In an obscure corner of South Africa, not far from where I live, lives a very special and unusual community. Most of you will know of the Social weavers. A species of weaver bird that builds mansions of woven grass sometimes taking up entire trees that are home to hundreds of birds. What you may be less aware of is that these birdie blocks of flats aren't only home to the species that built them, but house three species that have created an unlikely relationship. Any structure needs constant maintenance and starts to fall apart when it isnt inhabited. Although structures have their own spirit, they also need the spirit of their inhabitants to really live (except the occasional haunted dilapidated castle in a forest, they're good on their own) - think of the feeling in an abandoned house versus when that same house is full of life. Birds nests are the same and in social weaver nests, when one couple moves out of a nest, someone else will probably move in and that someone else often isn't the same species. Lovebirds are one of the species that frequently co-habit with Sociable weavers taking over abandoned nests to raise their babies and living harmoniously with the flock. The third species in the trio is far more unlikely - a tiny raptor not much bigger than the other two species called a Pygmy falcon. This little murder-floof isnt there to prey on the other two species as you might expect, They actually protect the gentler birds by keeping the nest free of rodents and lizards which would otherwise steal eggs and kill nestlings and in return, get to stay with in a community that keeps then protected from larger preditors that would otherwise prey on them.

This ménage à trois is the 3 of pentacles in a nutshell - It shows you the value of a diverse and supportive network and reminds you that collaboration is the key to building something that is vibrant and dynamic. It says that even though it is important for the individuals within a group to be compatible, to be watchful that you don't discount someone at face value - sometimes the person who would seem to fit in the least will be the biggest asset to your team and that it is important to let them be themselves rather than expecting them to conform. This card also asks if you are on the path to learning, like the nestlings in this community, they each grow up apprenticing to their parents and learning from the community as a whole to learn how things work. This card says to not only open yourself up to learning, but to fully commit yourself to your path and to learn humbly from masters so as you become a master yourself with skills you may pass on to the next generation. Your chosen field may not be easy, but with hard work, patience and attention to detail you will achieve more than you dreamed.