6 of Pentacles tarot

June 11, 2022

The Six of Pentacles Shows you your place in the World. It speaks of Symbiosis. The Gentle give and take of the universe. It reminds us that Sometimes we are privelaged enough to be in a place where we are able to give help to another, but also that that balance can change and that there may be a time where we need to be reliant on others and that there is no shame in this as long as we don't become desperate or submissive and trapped in a cycle of need. It tells us to search out the best mentors we can to help us achieve our goals, but also to be aware of when they have taught us all they can and it is time to move on.

This card also tells us that our skills and time are valuable and that we need to be firm about correct payment for hard work and not tolerating abuse. This is a particularly valuable lesson for artists and artisans of all forms who are frequently devalued by society.

The Oxpecker bird has a relationship with ungulates where they keep the larger animal free of parasites in return for a steady food supply, protection and access to more of the same. Without the bird, the zebra would grow ill and become an easy target for predators, and without the zebra, the bird would starve. The bird however doesn't wait around with a single zebra, once it has finished it's job, it moves on to the next animal.

Both are employed by the other for tasks that they are wise enough to realize they each cannot fulfill on their own and appreciate the other for their differences.

This relationship teaches us about working smart, giving generously and accepting assistance graciously - things many of us need to master.