The Chariot

June 03, 2022

The tortoise makes his way across the ochre of the karoo, stopping to nibble on a fallen San Pedro flower. 

He doesn’t rush - that would entail missing so many sublime experiences.  He knows that he will get there (wherever there is) at the right time.

 The Chariot tells you that this is the time to stop procrastinating and get moving.  You don’t need to rush things.  Take your time to do it well and enjoy the ride.  You will be successful in your pursuit, the big thing is to point yourself in a direction and get going.  

He tells you that even though it is important to have a plan and be methodical, don’t be overly strict in your approach - follow your intuition and open yourself up to the possibility of taking a road less travelled if the opportunity presents itself. In that way you will overcome any obstacles. 

A tortoise is a literal force of nature. A walking boulder. Once it has set it’s mind to something, almost nothing can stand in it’s way.  It will make a way through.  Although the other side of this is to realize when you are hitting your head against a wall, and to rather find another way around; you are in control of your journey.

Another aspect of The Chariot is that it is also the card of inner exploration - hence the San Pedro flower, a powerful entheogen. The Chariot encourages you to journey inwards and see what you may need to resolve in yourself before you can move forward in the physical world.

A tortoise’s shell is both his home and his armour.   Thus the tortoise knows that where ever it is, it can stop, take a breather and reassess; or put up camp for as long as necessary while it strategises the next course of action. The chariot reminds you that wherever you are is home for the time you are there and to stop chasing perfection. He also tells you to always be prepared and be careful who you let into your shell.

The Chariot is about the journey rather than the destination, enjoy the ride and smell the flowers, but most importantly, keep going! 


Please note: Although I use the San Pedro flower as a symbol of inner journeying.  Entheogens are not necessary for the process (there are plenty of methods that do not require them) and should only be used under the guidance of an experienced person. Although they can grant profound insight, their use carries risks and are not appropriate for everyone at all times.