The Empress

June 11, 2022

The empress revealed! I loved working on The Empress Card while on safari at Djuma Reserve in Sabi Sands a short while ago. The Empress is after all, the card of the natural world - of the flow of seasons, growing things and of abundance. This ties into her been the ultimate feminine. the Earth mother. A gentle nurturing presence who also isnt afraid to show her sharp intellect.

The bee is just so perfectly all these things and such a relevant beastie for what the earth needs so much right now. It was a very strange dream that gave me this card. Unlike previous ones where I dreamed of the creature itself, in this one I was standing on a beach in a storm holding up this card with the bee on it while a kraken wove through caves beneith the beach. it was, for all it's intensity and strangeness so profound for the subject and themes.

You cansee the video I made for this card here: