The Hanging ManTarot

June 11, 2022

The Hanging Man is about surrender and sacrifice, however this is not about martyrdom or deprivation. This is reflection. It is about choosing not to rush, to take the time you need to alchemize your poisons. It says that the best course of action in order to progress should actually be to do nothing for a while. To reflect and plan and wait for the right time. Action is not always the best solution

The Hanging Man is also the card of those who walk the spiritual path - who see the world from a different perspective, and in doing so, frequently walk their path alone. 


Amanita muscaria is one of the most instantly recognizable of the mushroom species seen everywhere from Alice in Wonderland to Super Mario and is a quintessential signifier of beautiful but deadly. Although death from ingesting it is rare nowadays, it is incredibly toxic and it's common name, Fly Agaric refers to the fact that it was used to make poison for flies. 

What is less known is that it has powerful psychoactive properties and was used by various peoples, but most notable by Siberian Shamans in combination with dance and drumming to induce trance state. 

The Orb weaver spider ( nephila senegalensis) hangs transfixed. Suspended in time and space on her golden web. She knows that she does not need to go and find prey. It will come to her. 

Spiders are in many cultures, a  symbol of creativity and the arts with The Weaver (most well known as Arachne, in greek mythology)  been patron goddess of Artists, and in particular or those who work with fabrics, She is however not an easy patron who gifts poison as well as muse. 

This theme is most famously explored the in poem, Tarantella by Hilaire Belloc, which examines what was a common belief - that dancing would destroy the poison from a tarantula bite (or other spider, since it was not known that tarantulas are harmless) however, depending on the spider, this could also hasten the death of the dancer.

And so, the dancer or shaman would be both, creating art and working with the poison to enable healing. 


Just a note: A.Muscaria is known as unpredictable and can take you to some very dark places. It requires quite specific preparation and is not a safe or easy trip.  Do not try at home unless under the guidance of someone experienced. I have not tried taking A.Muscaria, nor do I intend to, however I do make a beautiful yellow ink from it which was used in this painting. 

There is such an incredible wealth of mythology and story about spiders and the arts world wide, however I chose to speak of The Weaver since she is one of my patrons, so I speak from both my personal experiences with her, as well as the experiences of others I know rather than recanting what has been written by others. 

As always, I love hearing your interpretations and stories! 

Tarantella - Hillaire Belloc (1929)

Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the tedding and the spreading
Of the straw for a bedding,
And the fleas that tease in the High Pyrenees,
And the wine that tasted of tar?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteers
(Under the vine of the dark verandah)?
Do you remember an Inn, Miranda,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteeers
Who hadn't got a penny,
And who weren't paying any,
And the hammer at the doors and the Din?
And the Hip! Hop! Hap!
Of the clap
Of the hands to the twirl and the swirl
Of the girl gone chancing,
Backing and advancing,
Snapping of a clapper to the spin
Out and in --
And the Ting, Tong, Tang, of the Guitar.
Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?


Never more;
Never more.
Only the high peaks hoar:
And Aragon a torrent at the door.
No sound
In the walls of the Halls where falls
The tread
Of the feet of the dead to the ground
No sound:
But the boom
Of the far Waterfall like Doom.